Analog Heaven Northeast Meeting
Organizer: Eric Crawley
- Saturday, May 4th, 2013
- 12PM to 6PM
- 119 Gallery in Lowell, MA
- A $10 donation would help will help support the gallery and their mission for the arts.
- The AHNE mail list is created to help organize details such as who will bring what gear for maximum diversity.
- List archives, subscription requests and web-based admin requests are available here.
- Synths (please consult the mail list)
- Keyboard stands and tables (only a few tables are available at the gallery)
- Extension cords and power strips
- Audio cables, small mixer and headphones (or speakers)
- Camera
- 8-10PM
- A schedule for performances in the evening will be worked out during the afternoon
- Video mixing will be provided by Dr. T
- Videos from last years performance can be found here and here.
- We will break for dinner at 6pm
- Some soft drinks will be provided
- Link to Matrixsynth’s coverage of previous AHNE events with videos and pictures.
- Link to AHNE2012 web page
- Link to AHNE2011 web page
- Link to AHNE2010 web page
- Link to AHNE2009 web page
- Link to AHNE2008 web page
- Link to AHNE2007 web page
- Link to AHNE2006 web page
- Link to AHNE2005 web page
- Link to AHNE2004 web page
Analogue Heaven North East 2011. from Attack Sustain on Vimeo.
AHNE 2011 from Dave Lovelace
AHNE 2010 from stretta on Vimeo.